Welcome to The Render Podcast

Welcome to the Render Podcast! I am your host, Cam Petty Palmer and I am the CEO of Beautiful Event Rentals in Dallas, Texas. My company has grown from starting as a solopreneur to having a team of 11 people who absolutely love their jobs. We started in the wedding industry and have come to love all kinds of events including corporate conferences, brand activations, and social gatherings. I also should mention that I am Enneagram 3, which means I am a high achiever who believes in who I am and what I am passionate about.  I have always had a passion for education and just doing my best to figure it out one way or the other and have had a desire to share that passion with you! I thrive on true connection to all kinds of people, leading teams and groups towards what they were meant to do, and educating people right where they are at. My personal values are to be present where your feet are at and dive in deep, create a community that is diverse and intentional, strengthen my growth mindset to be for me, and grow in servant leadership with those around me.  I cannot wait to see you here week after week!

50% Complete

Two Step

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