#128. Rental Softwares Every Rental Company Wants and Needs

When it comes to knowing which s you want vs. need for your business, it is so important to start with what you are looking for and what services you will require to allow you to do your job. Knowing ahead of time before signing up for a service or buying software is key to setting yourself up for success. Have you weighed the pros and cons of different services? Have you considered how you want your team to communicate with all of the abundant social media platforms? What about how accessible these softwares are when you are away from your laptop? Creating a list of the pros, cons, and non-negotiables is fundamental to knowing what softwares you need.

Today’s show we are diving straight into how to understand what you are looking for, how to consider the pros and cons of different services, weighing in your non-negotiables that you are not willing to budge from, and navigating the online features that are necessary to running your company, and so much more! 

Here is a sneak peek of what this episode consists of:

[2:40] Understanding What You Need 

[6:57] Non-Negotiables for Your Company

[17:54] Necessary Softwares to Run Your Rental Business

[23:23] Systems You May Want  


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Next week’s episode is all about When and How To Raise Your Prices. We hope you will join us!


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