#172. Cracking the Code of Personalities: Leading Your Team and Selling to Clients

On today’s episode of The Render Podcast, we are talking about personalities and how to appropriately hire for your team. How do you understand the difference between personalities and how to make the right hiring decisions? Now you may be wondering why we have an entire podcast episode about this and asking yourself why is this important. 

When you have a small business, ensuring that your team members are in the roles that their personalities best fit is going to be in your favor. Fitting the right team member in the right role, for how they communicate, is only going to prove to be beneficial for the business. Join us on today’s episode for more! 


Here is a sneak peek of what this episode consists of:

[3:31] Segment 1: The Basics of Personality Assessment

[13:44] Segment 2: The Four Major Personality Types - DISC

[20:36] Segment 3: Assessing and Adapting to Your Team's Personalities

[24:30] Segment 4: Selling to Clients with Different Personalities


Product or Affiliate Links

DISC and ENNEAGRAM Assessment Info - https://www.truity.com/

Enneagram Ashton Instagram 


Next week we are talking about The Power of SEO and how important this is for YOUR business! As always, thank you for being here and we will see you next time!


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